Neck Pain
This is Dr. Lyle R Van Hemert of Align Chiropractic in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This video deals with one of the most frustrating conditions in health care in America today, neck pain. Most people think that neck pain is a common occurrence and that there is not much you can do about it, nothing can be further from the truth. There are many causes of neck pain from daily stress, injury, automobile accidents, sleeping incorrectly, and tight muscles.
Neck Pain
Neck pain is one of the most common conditions that Americans suffer with. It is a type of pain that can seem to come out of nowhere or it can be caused by a specific accident.
When neck pain appears to come out of nowhere the cause usually is years of neglect that add up leading to muscle spasms causing your neck pain. Chiropractors are specialist in dealing with neck problems. Chiropractic care is very effective for the treatment of neck pain because it treats the cause of the pain and does not mask the symptoms by medication.
Chiropractic care is all natural and conservative care for Neck Pain
Chiropractic care gets to the cause of your neck pain. Chiropractic care gently adjusts your neck bones to take pressure off of the nerves, this allows your muscles to relax naturally. Chiropractic care does not mask your symptoms as does over-the-counter medication.
Care of your Neck Pain
The care of your neck is your responsibility just like every other aspect of your healthcare. Chiropractors can help assist you through an episode of neck pain and give you important instructions for how to prevent it in the future. Chiropractic care can help provide you with the treatment and knowledge on how to keep your neck pain healthy. I would encourage you if you have any questions in regards to your neck pain to call us here at Align Chiropractic in Sioux Falls, South Dakota at 331 –4220.
Thank you,
Dr. Van Hemert