Neck Pain Problems & Chiropractic
Doctors like to try to figure out the cause of their patient’s problem.
I see many patients in my clinic that have been to medical doctors with neck pain only to come into Align Chiropractic because their neck pain did not respond to the treatment.
All healthcare providers are starting to understand that they do not have the singular answer to all the treatment of neck pain.
Chiropractic care specializes on decompressing the nervous system which helps your neck pain by taking pressure off of the pinched nerves and allowing the muscle spasms to stop.
Here are two examples of how chiropractic care was able to help people like yourself get rid of the neck pain through chiropractic care.
Neck Pain Problem | Case Studies
Case Study #1: One patient came in making complaints of neck pain almost daily for 10 years.
After taking the history and exam of the patient it was discovered that she had been involved in an automobile accident 20 years ago.
It is not uncommon for neck pain the start several years after an automobile accident. X-rays were taken of the patient which showed arthritis had started to develop.
She was treated for 60 days at which time that her neck pain was 90% better. She stated that her neck pain no longer keeps her from doing things she enjoys.
Case Study #2: The second case was a mother who brought her daughter in due to neck pain that started after falling off her bike two years ago.
After treating the patient for two weeks she was 90% better. After four weeks she stated she no longer had any neck pain.
Are You Ready To Be Our Next Patient?
If you are suffering from neck pain I would encourage you to try chiropractic care to see if your neck pain can be helped.
Give us a call at Align Chiropractic in Sioux Falls South Dakota at 331– 4220 to set up a free consultation to see if chiropractic might be able to help your neck pain.
We would also be happy to discuss your neck pain over the phone. Thank You.
By Lyle Van Hemert D.C.