Migraine Headaches
This is Dr. Lyle R Van Hemert of Align Chiropractic in Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57105. This video deals with a very frustrating conditions in health care in America today, headaches, specifically migraines. Most people think that migraine headaches are best treated with pain medication and rest.
Causes of Migraine Headaches
Migraine headaches can come out of nowhere. One of the causes of migraine headaches is the blood flow to the brain. Migraine headaches can come from years of neglect of your neck that over time leads to irritated nerves that control the blood supply to your head. There are several specific incidences that can cause migraine headaches such as automobile accidents, and sleeping wrong, which can put irritation on your nerves which control the blood supply to the upper neck and head.
Here at Align Chiropractic in Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57105 we have very effective treatments of your migraine headaches because it treats the cause of the pain and does not mask the symptoms by medication.
Exercises for Migraine Headaches
After receiving adjustments to help gently realign the spine to take pressure off the nerves and allow the blood flow to occur correctly you then need neck exercises to help stabilize and hold the spine in its new position. There are typically four neck exercises that can be done.
The four exercises are flexion, extension, left lateral, and right lateral bending. These exercises are either done at home or in a rehabilitation setting in the clinic depending on the specific condition of the neck. If you do not strengthen the muscles in your neck the spine can return to its old position and the migraine headaches can return.
Chiropractic care is all natural and conservative care for Migraine Headaches
Chiropractic care gets to the cause of your migraine headaches. Chiropractic care gently adjusts your neck bones to take pressure off of the nerves, this allows your blood flow to return to normal. Chiropractic care does not mask your symptoms as does over-the-counter medication. There is published literature showing chiropractic care can help migraine headaches.
Care of your Migraine Headaches
The long-term care and solution of your migraine headaches is your responsibility just like every other aspect of your healthcare. Chiropractors can help assist you through an episode of migraine headaches and give you important instructions for how to prevent them in the future. Chiropractic care can help provide you with the treatment and knowledge on how to keep your migraine headaches away.
Thank YOU,
Dr. Van Hemert
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