This is Dr. Lyle R. Van Hemert of Align Chiropractic in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This video deals with one of the most misunderstood conditions in health care in America today, whiplash injuries. Whiplash injuries from car accidents and sports injuries such as soccer and football can be one of the most frustrating injuries you go through in your life especially if you are a young adult.
What is a Whiplash Injury from a Car Accident
The most common type of whiplash injury is a sudden, uncontrollable movement of your neck backwards and forwards from the car behind you hitting you. You can also get whiplash with any violent movement of your neck either from the front and/or side. When this happens you tear the muscles and ligaments that hold your neck together. Here at Align Chiropractic the treatment we provide is very effective for whiplash injuries and neck pain because we look for the reason you’re in pain. A whiplash injury is a mechanical injury to your neck. You, therefore, need mechanical treatment to fix it. If you broke your arm bone you go to the medical doctor and the treatment is resetting the bone by mechanical means. You never expect your medical doctor to fix a broken bone with pain relievers. The same is true with a whiplash injury you need experts in the field such as chiropractors to treat them.
There can be several causes of whiplash injuries, the most common one is car accidents. It can happen any time your neck is violently moved in any direction. Other examples that people usually do not think of are sports injuries, slip and falls on the ice, biking accidents, and other injuries where there is a quick sudden movement of the neck. Playing soccer can cause whiplash injury from violently hitting the grass or turf. In football you can get whiplash injury from violent contacts, the football helmet does a good job of protecting the brain but does nothing to stop the violent movement of the neck back and forth leading to a whiplash injury.
Exercises for Neck Pain
After receiving adjustments to help gently realign the spine, neck exercises in the form of rehabilitation are needed to help stabilize and hold the spine in its new position. The muscles and ligaments have been extensively damaged, and a controlled rehabilitation program is very beneficial for a full recovery. I have taken extensive postgrad education classes in rehabilitation and I’m certified to design a treatment plan for you.
Chiropractic Care is all Natural and Conservative Care for Whiplash Injuries
Chiropractic care gets to the cause of your whiplash injury and neck pain. Here at Align Chiropractic we will manage your specific case and treatment plan to help you heal completely and naturally. There’s a lot of published literature showing chiropractic care to be very effective for whiplash injuries and neck pain.
Care for your Whiplash Injury
The care of your whiplash injury and neck pain is your responsibility along with your doctor. We give you the tools to help yourself heal to the best of your ability. Chiropractic care can help provide you with the treatment and knowledge on how to keep your neck healthy after you recover from your whiplash injury. I would encourage you if you have any questions in regards to your whiplash injury, neck pain, to call us here at Align Chiropractic in Sioux Falls, South Dakota at (605)-331 –4220.
Thank you,
Dr. Van Hemert
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